Dear honorable friends,
The balance diet is an important issues for daily life. Now a days people are suffering in many ways. Suffering from many diseases like diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, heart diseases and is big problem facing that people are going to be fatty etc. So in this situation people needs to be very conscious about food value. So here it is explained some vegetables food value with the photos. The photos are collected its are very practical photo. The information about food value is collected from one book. The book photo has added in bellow. Now please see the photos and explanations.
Ripe tomato |
Tomato is an attractive and testy
vegetable. Above all kids and adult everybody likes to eat tomato. Its can eat
by cooking are as a salad.
material: Each 100 gram tomato contain 0.9gram protein, 3.6gram carbohydrate,
0.8 mg fiber, 0.2 mg fat, 20 kilo calory energy, 48 mg calcium, 20 mg
phosphorus, 0.64 mg iron, 351 micrograms carotin and 27 mg vitamin
quality: Tomato's "LIKOPEN" increase the protect power against
disease in body. Its protest Cancer and help for heart disease. Also the tomato
is the source of vitamin A and C.
"Tomato protest cancer"
Carrots |
Carrot is an attractive and bright color's winter vegetable. Its use as vegetable the underground part of leave. The carrot uses as a vegetable and salad in both. Its test is little bit sweet.
materials: Each 100 gram carrot contains 0.9 gram protin, 10.6 gram carbohydrate, 1.2 gram fiber, 0.2 gram fat, 48 kilo calory energy, 80 mg calcium, 530 mg phosphoras, 1.03 mg iron, 3 mg vitamin "C" and 1890 micro gram carotin.
quality: Carrot is the effective of vitamin "A" related night blind and other problems about eyes. Its also protest cancer and increase the protest power about disease in body.
Note. Please keep in touch there will be added more vegetables food value here.
With Thanks and Regards.
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