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Dear honorable friends, About Flowers and Children. Children and flowers are equal. Both are beauty and holy. We know the heaven is for innocent child. On the other hand we can say flower is also the part of heaven. Its beauty, colors and its smell all are attractive and acceptable. Flowers makes pleasant of human being. Its can make mental recreation for the people. The Psychological patient can be cure through flowers beauty. So we can gases how important the flower for human being. That’s why we must care about flowers and care about children. Both are important for our life. Here is some extra explanation about Children: By born every child is unique character, unique face, unique character and stamina and different genetic built. Dictionary Says, Children means helpless human being who needs help for care from adult. On the other hand, children have special character that make them unique like being creative, super curious, full of happiness and having a lot of love! Children are amazing, children are loving and children are curious. We must apply our great concern to the Children so that they can grow up properly for our future. With Thanks and Regards. Dear honorable friends, Here added some photo with some children and flowers. Because the children's are like flowers.

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Lovely flower


Dear honorable friends, In this blog is shared about a recipe of testy pickle. What you can make in your home and enjoy it very nicely with your family. The pickle is made by one of sower fruit what's Bengali name is "CHALTA". Before explaining the recipe for your better understanding Here is introduced with you about the fruit tree and fruits and attached the sower fruits "CHALTA"s tree and sower fruits "CHALTA"s photo. In Bangladesh there is one sower fruit what Bengali name is "CHALTA". The natured sower fruits "CHALTA" is available from the month of October and its continue from October to till March, even in April also. some of fruits are very sower and some are sweet and sower. But overall the test is mixed up with sower and sweet and it is very testy fruits. Also it is helpful for health. When people get cold they use it by eating to reduce cold. So it is like a herbal medicine also. It is very nice fruit for making delicious pickle. So let us go now to prepare the pickle to enjoy it!!! Now the explanation the recipe of Pickle. First you take some sower fruits "CHALT" according to your choice. It can be 4/6 pieces or more than that just according to your need. Wash the fruits then cut the fruits and pill it up. Make slice it in small pieces. Little bit grind the slices so that the sunshine and sugar can entrance inside in it. After grinding when it will get sunshine it will reduce some sower test and it will make a good test of this slice fruits. Now after finishing all cutting process put it only one day in the sunshine. Getting sunshine just day after it will have to make the pickle. So making the pickle, first you cut some onion and garlic. For 4/6 pieces of "CHALTA" you can take 6 big size onions and one big size garlic. Now take some dry chilly it can like 10/15 pieces or according to your choice. If you want you can also use 2/3 pieces according to your habit. But little bit more hot make it more testy. Now take 3 table spoon of mustard seeds and 3 table spoon of five seasons spices (PACHPHORON). This is all of spices. Now you cut the onions and garlic. Fry the dry chilly, the mustard seed and the five seasons spices in light hit. Then grin it and make it powder and put it in different small pot. Prepare all this things put the dry fruits in a pot and add equal quantity of sugar in with this dry fruits. Then put the pan on the oven. Put 6 cup of mustard oil for 4/6 pieces fruits. Make the oil proper hit. It may take 6/8 minutes to be hit the oil. When the oil will be proper hit it will be very hot. So put the fire in very low power to avoid any danger situation. Because when you will add the fruits with sugar in hot oil it can sprinklings and come to your body can burn your skin. So be careful about the hot oil. When the oil will be proper hit keep the oven fire low power and add the sower fruits what is mixed up with sugar in hot oil. About ten minutes fry it in the low power fire. Then add garlic with it and hit like 5/6 minutes then add the onion again hit 5/6 minutes with low power hit. Then add the mass dry chilly with it and hit the same way then add the five seasons spices and hit it 2/3 minutes. At last you will add the mustard seeds powder and not necessary to hit it more, because the mustard seeds powder make better the food. So just after adding the mustard seeds powder you turn of your oven. Make it cold on the same pan in one day and then put it in jar. After this process some days put in the sunshine. Then the water will remove and the sugar and spices will entrance in the slice and it will become a so delicacies pickle! Note: The Diabetes patient must be alert about the sugar. With Thanks and regards.

Flowers garden

Flowers garden

Flowers garden


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Flowers garden

Flowers garden

Flowers garden

Flowers garden

Dear Honorable friends, Here I added a lot of flowers photo for your entertainment/recreation. This flowers have collected from my own garden. This flower photos I collected from October to March 2015. So you can easily tell me a flower girl. With Thanks and Regards. With Thanks and Regards

Flowers garden

Flowers garden

Flowers garden

Explanation about gardening GARDENING: Gardening is most important part of our life. Through gardening we can grow crops, vegetables, fruits, flowers etc. Also gardening is the real part of our life. If we do not cultivate our land and do not gardening then any food will not come in our life. All foods come in our life from gardening. Also gardening gives us mental refreshment. NOW I AM EXPLANING ABOUT FLOWERS GARDENING. Necessity things for gardening: Sunshine, sunshine is very essential issue for gardening. For flowers gardening you must select a space where minimum 6 hours sunshine is available. Then cultivate the land properly and plant the flowers seeds and plants. Planning: In every works planning is the most important part. Efficient plan is the success of key. Now for the flowers gardening first priority to plan a good piece of land where sunshine is available. Planting various kind various colors of flowers. Flowers can be various kinds like seasonally, monthly, weakly and all time. There is one flower which bloom only once in a year at midnight. For business purpose all kind of flowers planting will be helpful to get the whole years of financial support. Benefit of flowers: The gardening of flowers reduce mental stress and have strong power for recreation. Supporting for breathing problem. It’s protected and prevents sickness. Planting of flower gardening we can get vitamin D what is a great physical support for our health. Flowers can make attract of butterfly, bees, birds what makes us pleasant. Most important benefit is that flowers can effort financial support. Conclusion: From above discussion we can understand the flower’s impotency in our life. So we must care about it. Dear Honorable friends, Here its added a lot of flowers photo for your entertainment/ recreation. Now the tips about flowers. Flowers can give our life!!! If we can live then we can do everything in earth. If we can not live we can not do anything in earth. So we need to live first and everybody we know that. The Almighty creator has created everything for human being needs In our daily life we have a lot of experience. Sometimes we are excited, sometimes we are happy, sometimes we are in great tress, sometimes we are in great sad. With all to gather is our life. When you are excited and happy you go to the touch of flower or in flower garden it will make you more happy. When you are in great tress please you go to the touch of a lovely flower or in flower garden it will make your mind fresh and will help you to be normal. What will be great help for your life! When you are in big sad you go to the touch of lovely flower and entrance in a flower garden. First enjoy the beauty of flower with meditation then speak with the flower with deep silence and then try to forget your sad things by sharing with flower. Every day try to keep in touch you with flower/ flowers garden. It's can be in your own flower garden or any other places or can be with your computer. Even if you are a psychological patient and have breathing problem you can take help from the flower or flowers or flower garden as a great friend. So in above discussion we can say that flower and flower garden are a great friend, great doctor and great artist for our life including its natural beauty. Specially flower is for our enjoyment to be refreshment. So I would like to invite you please enjoy the flower as much as you can in your life in everyday according to you opportunity. Here I added a various flower/flowers pictures to gather so that you can enjoy from here also. It is very natural flowers photo from my own flower garden. Please keep in touch with me I will continue add the new flower photo when it will newly bloom in my garden. Also will try to collect from other places the natural flowers photo. With Thanks and Regards

Flowers garden

Flowers garden

Flowers garden

Flowers garden

Flowers garden

Green Garden

In my sense I thought gardening is a most important issue in our life. If we do not cultivate our land we can get food. By cultivating the land and plant paddy we can get rice. By planting vegetables we can get vegetables. Planting fruits tree we can get fruits. So all over the foods we can get only by the gardening. With Thanks and Regards

Green Garden

Green Garden

Green Garden

Green Garden

Green Garden

Green Garden

Dear honorable Friends, In my content I explained about gardening. What is gardening and why we will do gardening. What gardening gives us and its impotency's etc. So please enjoy my content by your kind reading. With Thanks and Regards.

Green Garden

Green Garden

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Green Garden

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Green Garden

Green Garden

Green Garden

Green Garden

Dear Honorable friends, Here I added a lot of flowers photo for your entertainment/recreation. This flowers have collected from my own flower garden. This flower photos I collected from October to March 2015. So you can easily tell me a flowers girl. Now the tips about flowers. It is my own experience what I collected from these flowers. In the world flowers can give our life!!! If we can live then we can do everything in earth. If we can not live we can not do anything in earth. So we need to live first and everybody we know that . The Almighty creator has created everything for human being needs. With Thanks and Regards.
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Flowers garden

Dear Honorable friends, Here I added a lot of flowers photo for your entertainment/ recreation. This flowers have collected from my own flowers garden. This flower photos I collected from October to March 2015. So you can easily tell me a flower girl.

Flowers garden

Dear Honorable friends, Here I added a lot of flowers photo for your entertainment/ recreation. This flowers have collected from my own flowers garden. This flower photos I collected from October to March 2015. So you can easily tell me a flower girl.

Flowers garden

Dear Honorable friends, Here I added a lot of flowers photo for your entertainment/ recreation. This flowers have collected from my own flowers garden. This flower photos I collected from October to March 2015. So you can easily tell me a flower girl.

Flowers garden

Flowers garden

Dear honorable friends, Who does not love beauty. Specially natural beauty! People are worshiper of beauty and natural beauty. There is a lot of beauty in the earth. The real beauty is always created by Creator and its call natural beauty what looks so beauty full and uncountable.

Ripa Halder

Gopalgonj, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Flowers garden

Dear Honorable friends, Here I added a lot of flowers photo for your entertainment/ recreation. This flowers have collected from my own flowers garden. This flower photos I collected from October to March 2015. So you can easily tell me a flower girl.

Flowers garden

Dear Honorable friends, Here I added a lot of flowers photo for your entertainment/ recreation. This flowers have collected from my own flowers garden. This flower photos I collected from October to March 2015. So you can easily tell me a flower girl.

Flowers garden

Now the tips about flowers. It is my own experience what I collected from this flowers. In one word flowers can give our life !!! If we can live then we can do everything in earth. If we can not live we can not do anything in earth. So we need to live first and everybody we know that. The Almighty creator has created everything for human being needs!

Flowers garden

Flowers garden

Flowers garden

Dear Honorable Friends, Here I added a lot of flowers photo for your entertainment/ recreation. This flowers have collected from my own flowers garden. This flower photos I collected from October to March 2015. So you can easily tell me a flower girl. With Thanks and Regards

Tuesday, 13 December 2022

Flowers Love 1

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Flowers Love

Flowers love mean innocent love or holy love. Where there is love there is no harm. Where there is love there is sacrifice. Where there is love there is peace. So in word  we can say love is holiness. Flower is holy, people enjoy its beauty, its smell its color as like as people enjoy love. Its give peach for human being.

Now the question who loves flower? The people who are innocent love flowers. Flowers is a beauty of nature. On the other hand love is beauty of human being. Flowers is enjoyable, love also enjoyable.

Loves demand: Love has a lot demand like , love does not hate in any time, love carry for others, love does not become angry, it is permanent affection of each other.

Love with daily life: Love is not limited only the affection among human being also love is effective of daily life. Its like people loves to work, people loves to gardening, people loves care for pet animals. love to grow plants, love to cook, love to plants flower garden, some are loves to reading. Its all to gathers name is life. 

So in word we can say love is life.  This love should like holy as like as flowers. That will give us holy life.

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